Previous: Investors trust – location – stability – tax – regulation
Who can take out an international Bond?
If you are 18 or over one can take out an international Bond. One can take it out on your own, or jointly with another person.
Where can I invest my money?
You and four financial Advisers can choose which funds you would like from a specified range. You can invest in up to ten funds at any one time.
There are three types of fund available:
• The PAC With –profits Range of funds.
• The prefund range of funds- you can find specific information on these in your guide to investing in the prefund range of funds, and other unit-linked funds.
For more information about all the funds you can choose from, one can be assure that our associates licence professionals can guide one all the way.
There are limits on how much you can invest across the PAC With-profits range funds and the prefund rage of funds. The maximum you can invest across these funds (in one or more bonds) is £ 1,000,000, €, 500,000 or us $ 1,500,000. If you own the bond jointly with someone else, you will each be treated as having invested the full amount.
So if you jointly invest £ 1,000.000. Into these funds, i will count as the maximum for both of you. This limit includes any top-up investments into these funds.
You are unable to top-up a bond protected fund.
Unit pricing basis
When you invest in one of our funds, your money buys units in that fund. The price of these units is primarily determined by the value of the assets held in the fund but also depends on whether; overall, more money is going into the fund or coming.
Seleroy trading limited
We work in association with licence Agents in various countries including Cyprus. Our financial director Andreas Konstantinou who have the knowledge and experience over many decades internationally based in the City of London, he designs opportunity programmes suitable to the small and big participant investors. Always have in mind the minimum risk for everyone involved.
One can have services in financial matters, were until recently were for the few. With Seleroy trading limited as a mediator anyone can have access through their accountant, solicitor, financial advisor, e.c.t.
1) Regular passive monthly income of approx 5% per month of the amount used minimum of 4,048 euro. (48 euro is the cost for diligent)
2) Rearranging one’s bank loans in a programme of zero cost monthly payments out of the of the borrowers existing income.
3) Funding small or big projects in the country site. Self input minimum of 15% by the applicant. The ideal is around 33% self input.
4) One can use the small amounts as stated above so can create bigger amounts to have the opportunity in entering in long term bigger investment programmes such as international bonds, purchasing properties e.c.t.
5) There are programmes tailor made soluble to cover school education costs, bank loan monthly payments, community project, sponsoring youth activities such as dance schools, athletic activities, charities e.c.t.
5A) Programmes for the business person who wish to have zero cost expense for National insurance for ne employees and more.
Information can be provided by applying at
—In this procure one can read and observe depending in one’s existing knowledge to understand. One should take advice from experience consultants/advisors before enter to any investment. A good accountant, good solicitor, good financial advisor should be able to assist.—
If anyone says that all have no rick at all, do not believe. Did we expect? Banks closing down? Did we expect covid—19? Do we know when is going to be a war or political unrest? The risks are always there. Mathematically in an ideal world of general practice risk can be predicted and can be deal with by the expert’s technocrats. That is what one has to think. Get the experts to work for everyone.
Practical knowledge is not taught
on desks, but in practice.
Seleroy Trading Limited through its own professional consultants serves clients of consultants, such as accountants, lawyers, economists.
• Mobile and real estate zero cost program.
• Consolidation of existing loans
• Success process for applying for a new loan / home financing
• Business project financing application success process.
• Success process for community development funding.
• Convert debt burden loan to investment, cover instalment cost with private grant initiative, programme.
• Student tuition costs.
• The student how to have income during the time he/she studies.
Globalization and the internet together as a tsunami took with them societies unprepared for disintegration, or, and developed societies, changed and changed the social, economic / moral general People need three important things to protect themselves from the traders of the people. Education —Education –Education. According to Plato, the prosperity of a state depends on the prosperity and education of each of its citizens, as well as the proper functioning of credit organizations of the state in order to maintain the financial balance of the state. To be, the state self-dependent in the production of food for its citizens and for export, as well as armed force for the defence of the state.
On the website the visitor is invited to read, not just take a look. The professional consultant is called to ask to learn, to understand, in order to be aware of that whose profession All questions are answered in writing.
On the website there are forms that are applications for each subject mentioned in this form, in the language requested by the applicant. Pro-banking seminars on topics, free of charge when requested, are delivered to graduate accountants, economists, lawyers. Talking to a young girl, I asked her what she studied. Answer.—I finished economic he said. I ask do you work. No, I got married, she said. I thought. She received a degree in finance economics. I mean paper to start, that she interpreted, that it was over, I thought, the degree, what helped her? To marry to be supported the husband economically. Secure economic position. Good idea.
The banking world is endless. It does not end. For information contact the
email .
• Professional consultants for their clients
• Interested in increasing income via the internet
• Interested in becoming pro-banking consultants.
• Networkers were wanted to help their partners, increase their sales.
• Interested work from home making money on line, as a unit or network of partners.
There is support when there is a need for legal, banking, technocratic creation of intangible services / products only for consultants, accountants / economists for their clients.
1) Restructuring of loan / s based on the regulations of K.T.E.E.
2) Creating a history of keeping instalments of 12-18 months
3) Create borrower reliability scheduling.
4) Smooth repayment schedule can be converted to earlier early repayment without penalty.
5) Creating early repayment capacity based on the borrower’s co-operation.
6) By re-evaluating the whole issue, a situation can be created for a loan with better terms of the existing one as an opportunity for such a service 25% – 75% against 100% of the value of the property.
7) Pension income planning or, increase in income with planning by experts, from the UK.
8) Solutions for deposits that borrowers are of age that is not possible for time extension.
This is an informative text. It is not a loan offer and be valued as it is.
Manage new requests
Bank Resolution cases.
Lawyers & accountants appointed per case.
Welcome to the world of
International business Consultancy Services.
Seleroy Trading Limited
By Andreas Konstantinou
F.I.C.M. – D.E.F.B. – M.E.C.A.M. – A.M.B.I.D.
Complex Finance Captive Solutions
Who can take out an international Bond?
If you are 18 or over one can take out an international Bond. One can take it out on your own, or jointly with another person.
Where can I invest my money?
You and four financial Advisers can choose which funds you would like from a specified range. You can invest in up to ten funds at any one time.
There are three types of fund available:
• The PAC With –profits Range of funds.
• The prefund range of funds- you can find specific information on these in your guide to investing in the prefund range of funds, and other unit-linked funds.
For more information about all the funds you can choose from, one can be assure that our associates licence professionals can guide one all the way.
There are limits on how much you can invest across the PAC With-profits range funds and the prefund rage of funds. The maximum you can invest across these funds (in one or more bonds) is £ 1,000,000, €, 500,000 or us $ 1,500,000. If you own the bond jointly with someone else, you will each be treated as having invested the full amount.
So if you jointly invest £ 1,000.000. Into these funds, i will count as the maximum for both of you. This limit includes any top-up investments into these funds.
You are unable to top-up a bond protected fund.
Unit pricing basis
When you invest in one of our funds, your money buys units in that fund. The price of these units is primarily determined by the value of the assets held in the fund but also depends on whether; overall, more money is going into the fund or coming.
Seleroy trading limited
We work in association with licence Agents in various countries including Cyprus. Our financial director Andreas Konstantinou who have the knowledge and experience over many decades internationally based in the City of London, he designs opportunity programmes suitable to the small and big participant investors. Always have in mind the minimum risk for everyone involved.
One can have services in financial matters, were until recently were for the few. With Seleroy trading limited as a mediator anyone can have access through their accountant, solicitor, financial advisor, e.c.t.
1) Regular passive monthly income of approx 5% per month of the amount used minimum of 4,048 euro. (48 euro is the cost for diligent)
2) Rearranging one’s bank loans in a programme of zero cost monthly payments out of the of the borrowers existing income.
3) Funding small or big projects in the country site. Self input minimum of 15% by the applicant. The ideal is around 33% self input.
4) One can use the small amounts as stated above so can create bigger amounts to have the opportunity in entering in long term bigger investment programmes such as international bonds, purchasing properties e.c.t.
5) There are programmes tailor made soluble to cover school education costs, bank loan monthly payments, community project, sponsoring youth activities such as dance schools, athletic activities, charities e.c.t.
5A) Programmes for the business person who wish to have zero cost expense for National insurance for ne employees and more.
Information can be provided by applying at .
—In this procure one can read and observe depending in one’s existing knowledge to understand. One should take advice from experience consultants/advisors before enter to any investment. A good accountant, good solicitor, good financial advisor should be able to assist.—
If anyone says that all have no rick at all, do not believe. Did we expect? Banks closing down? Did we expect covid—19? Do we know when is going to be a war or political unrest? The risks are always there. Mathematically in an ideal world of general practice risk can be predicted and can be deal with by the expert’s technocrats. That is what one has to think. Get the experts to work for everyone.
Practical knowledge is not taught
on desks, but in practice.
Seleroy Trading Limited through its own professional consultants serves clients of consultants, such as accountants, lawyers, economists.
• Mobile and real estate zero cost program.
• Consolidation of existing loans
• Success process for applying for a new loan / home financing
• Business project financing application success process.
• Success process for community development funding.
• Convert debt burden loan to investment, cover instalment cost with private grant initiative, programme.
• Student tuition costs.
• The student how to have income during the time he/she studies.
Globalization and the internet together as a tsunami took with them societies unprepared for disintegration, or, and developed societies, changed and changed the social, economic / moral general People need three important things to protect themselves from the traders of the people. Education —Education –Education. According to Plato, the prosperity of a state depends on the prosperity and education of each of its citizens, as well as the proper functioning of credit organizations of the state in order to maintain the financial balance of the state. To be, the state self-dependent in the production of food for its citizens and for export, as well as armed force for the defence of the state.
On the website the visitor is invited to read, not just take a look. The professional consultant is called to ask to learn, to understand, in order to be aware of that whose profession All questions are answered in writing.
On the website there are forms that are applications for each subject mentioned in this form, in the language requested by the applicant. Pro-banking seminars on topics, free of charge when requested, are delivered to graduate accountants, economists, lawyers. Talking to a young girl, I asked her what she studied. Answer.—I finished economic he said. I ask do you work. No, I got married, she said. I thought. She received a degree in finance economics. I mean paper to start, that she interpreted, that it was over, I thought, the degree, what helped her? To marry to be supported the husband economically. Secure economic position. Good idea.
The banking world is endless. It does not end. For information contact the
email .
• Professional consultants for their clients
• Interested in increasing income via the internet
• Interested in becoming pro-banking consultants.
• Networkers were wanted to help their partners, increase their sales.
• Interested work from home making money on line, as a unit or network of partners.
There is support when there is a need for legal, banking, technocratic creation of intangible services / products only for consultants, accountants / economists for their clients.
1) Restructuring of loan / s based on the regulations of K.T.E.E.
2) Creating a history of keeping instalments of 12-18 months
3) Create borrower reliability scheduling.
4) Smooth repayment schedule can be converted to earlier early repayment without penalty.
5) Creating early repayment capacity based on the borrower’s co-operation.
6) By re-evaluating the whole issue, a situation can be created for a loan with better terms of the existing one as an opportunity for such a service 25% – 75% against 100% of the value of the property.
7) Pension income planning or, increase in income with planning by experts, from the UK.
8) Solutions for deposits that borrowers are of age that is not possible for time extension.
This is an informative text. It is not a loan offer and be valued as it is.
Manage new requests
Bank Resolution cases.
Lawyers & accountants appointed per case.
Welcome to the world of International business Consultancy Services.
Seleroy Trading Limited
By Andreas Konstantinou
F.I.C.M. – D.E.F.B. – M.E.C.A.M. – A.M.B.I.D.
Complex Finance Captive Solutions